The MS Municipal Service Company provided workshops Spring 2022. Basic and Advanced workshops on Workers' Compensation and Municipal Liability were held across the state . Thank you for your attendance. We welcome your ideas for future topics of discussion. Special thanks to the following cities for hosting these events: MSU Extension/Starksville, Pearl, and Hattiesburg.
The MS Municipal Service Company provided several different workshops Spring 2019. A Basic workshop on Workers' Compensation and Municipal Liability was held as well as Advanced Workshops that focused on Liability topics of Sexual Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace, a more in-depth Workers' Compensation perspective of Compensability and the benefits of developing and maintaining a Return to Work Program for your municipality. Thank you for your attendance. We welcome your ideas for future topics of discussion. Special thanks to the following cities for hosting these events: Pearl, Hattiesburg, Brandon, Oxford, and Ocean Springs.
Municipal Liability Presentation during MML Annual Convention
Exploration on ways to mitigate claims involving municipal liability was discussed in the MS Service Company Presentation on Tuesday afternoon. If you need assistance, know you can call MMSC at 800-898-1032 for answers to your questions.
2018 Spring Workshops for Members of the Municipal Programs
The MS Municipal Service Company provided several different workshops this Spring. Basic Workshops on Workers' Compensation and Municipal Liability were held as well as Advanced Workshops that dove into more Defense and Litigation from an Employer Perspective, Deeper Knowledge into the MS State Tort Claims Act, and Law Enforcement "Use of Force" example policies. Thank you all for attending and please give us ideas for the future. Special thanks to the following cities for hosting these events: Vicksburg, Starkville, Ridgeland, Brookhaven, Hattiesburg, Oxford, and Flowood.