3015 Accident Investigation for Municipal Employees (DVD 18:00)
National Safety Council 1991 Deals with municipal accident investigation. Supervisors have the responsibility of investigating any workplace accident happening to employees under their supervision. Outlines steps to take in an accident investigation. Elements of investigations: How to investigate an accident site, interview those injured and witnesses.
3020 Accident Reporting & Investigation (DVD 5:00)
Long Island Productions 1990 Explains proper procedures for reporting an accident; observing the details of an accident.
3050 Backhoe/Loader Operations (DVD 8:00)
Long Island Productions 1995 Because of their versatility, backhoes are one of the most common pieces on a construction site. Encourage attention to safety and correct use of personal protection equipment, equipment capabilities and limitations, inspection and maintenance checklists, operation rules including startup, driving, transportation, refueling, digging, positioning, noting utilities, moving soil, and loading dump trucks.
3051 Backhoe Safety (DVD 5:00)
Don Brown Productions 1992 Provides general information on the operating procedures from pre-start to shut down. Explains the operator check list and safety procedures to operate. It also discusses maintenance procedures as well as operating procedures.
8001 Back Injury Prevention for Public Entities (DVD 28:00)
Texas Municipal League 2006 Back injuries are prevalent and continue to be one of the leading on-the-job injures experienced by public entity employees. This training program is designed to address the ongoing concern by providing real scenarios faced by public entity employees performing daily jobs and tasks.
The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is committed to the prevention of back injuries and other recurring high-risk exposures to employees of public entities.
Upon completing the program, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the need for and benefits of maintaining a healthy back and using safe body mechanics
- Identify the parts and functions of the back
- Recognize common causes of back injures
- Understand injury prevention principles
- Identify good body mechanics and the eight steps to a safe lift
CD-ROM containing PDF-formatted:
- Instructor’s Guide
- Participant’s Guide
- Post-Training Quiz with Answer Key
- Training Sign-In Sheet
- Certificate of Attendance
- Training Evaluation and Attendance Summary
6373 Back Injury Prevention: You're in Control (DVD 14:00)
(Eng/Span) Summit Training 1999 Back injuries are one of the leading workplace injuries - resulting in huge workers’ compensation costs. Eight out of ten individuals will suffer some form of back injury in their life. Prevention requires comprehensive and engaging training for all employees. Training with a solid back safety program is, therefore, critical for any company. Motivate your workers to follow best safety practices when performing manual material handling with this dynamic training program from Summit.
Summit’s Back Injury Prevention program teaches proper lifting techniques and important life lessons for maintaining a strong and healthy back. The fundamentals of good stretching and a healthy lifestyle are also covered. Use Summit’s Back Injury Prevention program and reduce injuries and costs.
The program addresses:
- How the back functions
- Correct lifting and carrying techniques
- Correct posture
- Stretching to prevent injury
- How good health reduces chance of injury
3060 Battery Safety [Safety Bite] (DVD 5:00)
Long Island Productions 1996 Explains how batteries are constructed, the types of batteries, and how to jump start batteries safely.
3080 Bloodborne Pathogens: Workplace Precautions (DVD 23:00)
OSHA 1991 This video explains how workers can protect themselves against occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, such as Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). This program is targeted primarily to health care workers and related professionals.
A basic introduction to bloodborne pathogens (Hepatitis B Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and possible occupational exposure to these viruses. Discusses how to protect you from exposure to bloodborne pathogens by reviewing proper personal protective equipment, cleanup procedures and disposing of contaminants.
3100 Chain Saw Safety: Safety Is No Accident (DVD 21:00)
Video Communications 1992 The video highlights: How to avoid kickback, proper use of safety tip, importance of buddy system, why you should never cut above shoulder height, safety techniques for limbing, bucking and pruning, selecting proper weight for job, personal safety equipment demonstrations, and much more.
3130 Confined Space: Public Agency & Construction Industries (DVD 15:00)
Safety & Training Services 1988 Confined space entry safety tailored to special types of confined spaces found in public works. This video addresses the risks and operational safety standards for confined spaces commonly found in public works and construction such as testing, ventilation, and rescue procedures
Decision Driving® - 6 Part Series
This six-part series uses the Commentary Drive technique in numerous real-life driving examples. By using the 5 principles of Decision Driving® you can take the decisive action necessary to drive safely and avoid accidents.
This 6 Part Series includes the following training programs:
- Module 1: Positive Approach to Safe Driving
- Module 2: Expand Your Look Ahead Capacity
- Module 3: Size Up the Whole Scene
- Module 4: Signal Your Intentions Early
- Module 5: Plan an Escape Route
- Module 6: Take Decisive Action
6186 Decision Driving® Module 1: Positive Approach to Safe Driving (DVD 6:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 How do you become a Decision Driver? This overview provides you with the five principles which will improve your Decision Driving® performance and skills.
6187 Decision Driving® Module 2: Expand Your Look Ahead Capacity (DVD 8:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 Reacting to a potential problem you see developing ahead, you may be able to avoid a full-blown hazard. Explains eight key steps to expanding your ability to see what’s happening around you and where you will be driving in the next few seconds.
6195 Decision Driving® Module 3: Size Up The Whole Scene (DVD 8:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 Teaches how to keep you constantly informed of the whole driving scene. The more facts you have, the smaller the chance of making a poor decision.
6196 Decision Driving® Module 4: Signal Your Intentions Early (DVD 9:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 Driving defensively is not enough, you have to make sure other drivers and pedestrians are aware of you. Module reviews how signaling is imperative to complete communication while driving.
6189 Decision Driving® Module 5: Plan an Escape Route (DVD 10:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 It’s much easier to be quick and decisive when you’ve planned an escape path and safe alternative decision is open to you. Review concepts on following distances yielding, avoiding being “boxed in”, and timing your passing moves to plan an escape route.
6190 Decision Driving® Module 6: Take Decisive Action (DVD 11:00)
Summit Training/Liberty Mutual 1999 Uses the Commentary Drive technique in numerous real-life diving examples. Shows how by using the five principles of Decision Driving® you can take the decisive action necessary to drive safely and avoid accidents.
3160 Digging Dangers 11: Hidden Hazards (DVD 20:00)
Underground Focus 1990 Presented by Mississippi One Call. Discusses the dangers of hitting an underground utility while digging as well as the consequences and how to reduce this exposure.
6211 Driving: Backing and Parking Safety (DVD 6:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video Carelessness often leads to accidents. Give your employees a reminder course in safe driving practices with this informative video that discusses safe backing and parking techniques, common blind spots and how to avoid being the victim of someone else’s carelessness.
6025 Excavations, Trenching and Shoring (DVD 14:00)
Summit Training (Complies with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.651 – 1926.652)
Excavation and trenching accidents are a leading cause of disabling injuries and suffocation in the construction industry. Cave-in prevention is the critical message of this comprehensive program. Several different forms of shoring in a variety of different work sites demonstrate best safety practices to follow on the job. Training with this program from Summit will help keep your employees safe and your job on schedule.
The program covers:
- Overview of protective systems
- Regulatory requirement
- Best safety practices
6120 Flammable Liquids (DVD 5:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video
Help prevent large-scale destruction due to improper handling and storage of flammable liquids. Video covers:
- Proper handling
- Characteristics of flammable liquids
- Hazards associated with flammables
6320 Gas Cylinders (DVD 5:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video Animation depicts the hazards that can result if gases contained in cylinders are handled improperly. The program motivates workers to properly store and handle the many types of gases contained in cylinders.
6214 Housekeeping (DVD 5 Minutes)
Summit Training/Valley Video As an essential part of a safe workplace, proper housekeeping techniques reduce property damage, injuries and deaths, while improving employee morale. This program discusses measures for preventing accidents, especially slips and falls, and the ultimate workplace disaster - fire.
3375 John Deere: It Always Happens To The Other Guy (VHS 21:00)
John Deere 1974
A video using professional Hollywood stunt men in construction equipment roll-over accidents. Produced by John Deere with assistance from the National Safety Council. The video makes construction equipment operators take stock of the dangers they face every day on the job.
The tape discusses the attitude of accidents always happening to the other guy. It demonstrates what happens when general safe operating procedures are not followed. It emphasizes proper clothing, back up procedures, riders on equipment, awareness of workers around your equipment, carrying loads with front loaders, motor graders on soft ground, loading/unloading of a dozer and working on slopes. The film shows several equipment accidents.
3376 John Deere: Round Trip To Danger (VHS 21:00)
John Deere 1974
This video depicts workers clearing trees. It covers the safe use of heavy equipment, such as loaders, skidders, dozers, and logging trucks. The main theme of the video is the dangers and hazards of logging operations.
A safety film for the Logging and Pulpwood Industry featuring Grapple Skidders, Cable Skidders, 4-Wheel Drive Loaders, and mechanical felling and bunching. Produced with the assistance of the American Pulpwood Association, Western Wood Producers Association, and the National Safety Council. This features a professional Hollywood stunt man.
3377 John Deere: Split Seconds, Split Lives (VHS 23:00)
John Deere 1989
Illustrates real life situations where the worker was killed or injured and permanently disabled. First case is a bull-dozer operator who receives an injury and is paralyzed from the chest down. The second case describes a situation where a worker backed over a long-time friend with a compacting machine. Case three is told by the widow of the fatal victim. Next a worker describes his accident in which he started an earthmover while standing on the ground and it happened to be in gear, so it drove over him. The characters in this movie are either the accident victim or a person from their family. The details of the accidents, as well as the negative forces acting upon the family in the aftermath are very graphically depicted.
Suited for use with teens and adults involved in using machinery. Discussions by victims and family members about what it’s like after the accidents.
6314 Machine Guarding (DVD 6:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video
Live-action, fast-paced video presentation covers the importance of machine guards at the workplace. Program discusses different types of guards, static shields, gate guards and two-hand tripping devices. The importance of not bypassing guards in lockout procedures is stressed.
6319 Office Safety (DVD 5:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video
This program identifies hazards commonly found in an office environment. This program teaches your workers the techniques for recognizing and eliminating dangerous situations found in an office environment.
6248 Personal Protective Equipment (DVD 5:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video
This video demonstrates proper use of personal protection equipment (PPE), including hard hats, respirators, eye protection, gloves and more. (Available in closed-captioned format)
3550 Police Pursuit & Emergency Response (DVD 16:00)
Zomar Productions Inc. 2004
Written and shot with law enforcement personnel on the front line, this program teaches officers how to protect themselves and their departments against civil liability lawsuits resulting from pursuit and emergency response situations.
- Knowing and following state laws and departmental polices & procedures
- How to determine if a pursuit is appropriate and how to stay in control
- Situations where an emergency response isn’t legally defensible
- Successful pre-trial strategies and tactics thru documentation
- Case winning court room behaviors and considerations
- Stressing the importance of timely, accurate documentation and a thorough knowledge of departmental policies and procedures, the program is designed to familiarize front line officers with the legal challenges they face anytime they are involved in pursuit and emergency response situations.
3600 Public Officials Liability: EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES (DVD 12:00)
Zomar 2002
This video begins with showing how public officials are often sued for employment practice claims. From there it moves on to discuss how to avoid litigation. Teaches them how to avoid being sued by using the Five D’s: Discrimination, Documentation, Drastic Action, Discipline, & Discharge.
3602 Public Officials Liability: CONDUCTING PUBLIC MEETINGS (DVD 8:00)
Zomar 2002
Opening with a meeting that’s becoming a shouting match, this video shows public officials how to avoid lawsuits and maintain control during controversial public meetings.
The program goes on to give public officials tips and techniques on how to correctly open, conduct, and close a public meeting. It concludes with an explanation of “Discoverable Testimony” and what public officials need consider in evaluating legal advice.
The video shows public officials how to avoid lawsuits and maintain control during controversial public meetings. The program emphasizes the use of pre-planning, workshops, and using existing procedures to maintain control of meetings.
3605 Public Officials Liability, Managing Your [Public Entities Version] (DVD 17:00)
CIRSA 1999
Discusses how elected and appointed officials can avoid mistakes that can lead to liability claims and identifies best practices that will allow officials to be successful.
1001 Restaurant: Overexertion [Safety Vision] (DVD 8:00)
National Safety Council/Zee Medical 1991
1002 Restaurant: Falls [Safety Vision] (DVD 6:00)
National Safety Council/Zee Medical 1991
1003 Restaurant: Burns [Safety Vision] (DVD 6:00)
National Safety Council/Zee Medical 1991
1004 Restaurant: Cuts & Wounds [Safety Vision] (DVD 6:00)
National Safety Council/Zee Medical 1991
1005 Restaurant: Hazardous Chemicals [Safety Vision] (DVD 9:00)
National Safety Council/Zee Medical 1991
3625 Safety Orientation, New Employee (DVD 23:00)
Zomar Productions 2001
For fire, police, public works, and administrative personnel. The video provides an overview of typical policies on workplace violence, accident investigation, sexual harassment, infectious diseases, drugs & alcohol, smoking, safety rules & training, emergencies, workplace inspections, safe lifting, reporting injuries, and safe driving.
6217 Seat Belt Safety (DVD 5:00)
Summit Training/Valley Video
Dramatic, live-action footage of auto accidents motivates workers to wear seat belts. The program covers proposed federal regulations for seat belt safety and disproves arguments against wearing seat belts.
3640 Sewer Overflows, Managing Sanitary [Public Entity Version] (DVD 20:00)
CIRSA 2001
There are many factors that cause sanitary sewer overflows including: infiltration and inflow, undersized systems, pipe failures, equipment failures, sewer service connections, and deteriorating sewer systems. This 20-minute video and handbook provides in-depth information regarding prevention, inspection, and maintenance to help reduce property damage, minimize inconvenience to citizens, and lessen a public entity's liability exposure should a sanitary sewer overflow occur.
3642 Sewer: Wastewater Backup & Overflow Response (DVD 21:00)
Zomar Productions Inc. 2005
This video is written for field personnel responding to actual backups and overflows. This program teaches step by step: why's and how's of not admitting "fault" or liability during a response; how to respond in a professional and courteous manner; and survival strategies for dealing with homeowners and residents.
6050 Slips, Trips, and Falls: Keeping A Step Ahead (DVD 12:00) (Eng/Span)
Summit Training
Slips, trips and falls in the workplace are 100% preventable, and yet taken together they are the second leading cause of work related deaths. Summit Training Source offers a highly effective, affordable online Slips, Trips, and Falls training program that will reduce accidents at your facilities. Slips, Trips and Falls will help workers to be more aware of these hazards, and will help decrease the number of injuries resulting from them.
Our engaging, web-based program teaches workers:
- The importance of good housekeeping
- Safe ways to work around wet and uneven surfaces
- Proper ladder safety
- When fall protection is needed
With carefully created exercises and interactions, this online program examines the causes of common slips, trips and falls in the work place and looks at ways to prevent them from occurring.
7775 Work Zone Traffic Control & Flagger Safety (DVD 16:00)
Safety Source 2011
Work zone traffic control is an important part of any well-planned construction or maintenance project. Traffic control is essential to protect both the public from the hazards associated with the project and the employees on the work project from the traffic and the flagger is the key individual charged with the responsibility of maintaining this control. The flagger must always remember that their job is the most important one on the crew, as the lives of all individuals in the work area and the safety of those driving through the work zone depends on you and your decisions.
Topics included in this safety video are:
- Personal protective equipment
- Proper equipment and flagging position
- Flagging procedures
- Proper conduct
- Importance of flagger safety
- Identification of hazards